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What maintenance items is a tenant responsible for?
- Tenants must maintain the lawns, trees, shrubs, plants etc. including watering, feeding, pruning, mowing or raking as necessary.
- Snow and ice removal
- Clogged or misused garbage disposals, clogged aerators on sink faucets, washer hookups and shower heads.
- Sewer stoppages/backups caused by tenant
- Furnace filters. You may be charged for servicing of the unit when an unchanged filter is discovered.
- Maintaining & regularly replacing refrigerator filters.
- Maintaining the batteries of smoke alarms and CO detectors.
- Items that can be fixed / replaced for less than $25.00 as per the lease. Batteries for keyless systems (if installed).
- If the tenant or tenant’s guests cause damage to the property.
- Not allowing access or failure to meet a vendor at an assigned appointment time when agreed upon and there is a vendor charge for the missed appointment.
- Negligence in reporting maintenance issues that lead to damage of the property overtime.
- If there is a service call and a breaker is tripped, this will be charged to the resident if it is found that the issue is caused by the resident’s behavior.
- If the tenant reports a repair which could have been troubleshot instead of scheduling a service request.
- Tenant requested light bulb or air filter replacement when it can be done with a 3-step ladder or lower.